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The Revolutionary Advancements Of Idea Communication And Social Interaction Thanks To The Internet

Posted by mike

The advent of the internet and its growth in popular culture has changed the way we interact and relate information forever. From marvelling at mobile phones twenty years ago, it is now possible to access the entire internet from a pocket device. The expansive evolution of technology is truly an amazing thing to see progress, right before our eyes. It progresses so rapidly that sometimes we take it for granted, underestimating the amazing notion that one can share a video call with someone half way across the world on a hand held device. Such advancements are true testaments to how amazing the human mind can be. People are constantly aware of their internet interaction, linked by many different sites to their news updates, the art intake and their social networking. The internet has given unbias, independent sources more power than they ever have had before, showcasing an uncompressed database of specific interest and pick and choose media. This gives people in culturally sparse areas the opportunity to explore their own passions and interact with others who feel the same. Independent art has advanced too.
Sites like Bandcamp, Soundcloud, Tumblr, Youtube. etc, the self promotion of ones own art has given the creator total control over the product. No longer must a struggling artist rely on the trust of a major company with their own agendas to publish there own work. We have found a way to publish and circulate brilliant art, reliable news source, good independent video programming and music, opinions, homeselling, general information and the spread of knowledge.
To some, blogging is frivolous, but to me, blogging provides a valid increase in the spreading of information, idea and opinion. There is largely no agenda at all, but first hand point of view, often honest and passionate. Although these views might be seem ‘unresearched’ and might offend rogue website hoppers, it gives people a realistic scope on how to view human difference – the notion that one cannot hope to change the opinion of all others simply because it differs from yours. We must not fear difference, but embrace it, something that the internet generation will learn to embrace. Divided by distance, connected via the internet. Also, blogging helps the relaying of concepts and thoughts that can both inspire and encourage, be it written, via video or audio. Vlogging and Podcasting are two highly expansive online mediums, communicating thought, sparking debate, relaying anecdotes, personal diaries, displaying skits, small ideas, etc. With these, countless amounts of personality can be found, and anyone can find their character with their own qualities and features to offer. It gives rise to the notion that we don’t have to give pure entertainment to be noted individuals, but we can spark ideas and encourage genuine thought in others; no gift is purer than inspiration.

With the revolution of communication, it reminds us a truth, well stated by Stephen Fry:
“We love love, and that anything else is incidental, irrelevant, cynical, and not interesting to us fundamentally”


Mae dyfodiad y rhyngrwyd a’i dwf yn y diwylliant poblogaidd wedi newid y ffordd rydyn ni’n rhyngweithio ac ymwneud â’n gilydd am byth. O fod yn gwirioni ar ffonau symudol ugain mlynedd nôl, mae hi bellach yn bosib cael mynediad i’r we yn ei gyfanrwydd trwy ddyfais poced. Mae esblygiad ymledol technoleg yn rhywbeth gwirioneddol anhygoel i’w weld yn datblygu, o flaen ein llygaid. Mae’n symud yn ei flaen mor sydyn fel ein bod bron â’i gymryd yn ganiataol, gan fethu â gwerthfawrogi’n llawn y syniad o allu rhannu galwad fideo gyda rhywun ben arall y byd ar ddyfais yn eich llaw. Mae datblygiadau o’r fath yn brawf go iawn o ba mor anhygoel all ymennydd dynol fod.
Mae pobl yn ymwybodol trwy’r adeg o’u rhyngweithio dros y we, wedi’u cysylltu trwy sawl safle i’r newyddion diweddara’, y celfyddydau a’u rhwydweithio cymdeithasol. Rhoddodd y rhyngrwyd fwy o bŵer i ffynonellau annibynnol, diduedd nag a gawson nhw erioed o’r blaen, gan arddangos cronfa ddata o ddiddordebau penodol a chyfryngau dewis a dethol heb hualau. Fe rydd hyn y cyfle i bobl mewn ardaloedd o dlodi diwylliannol y cyfle i ddilyn eu hoffter eu hunain a rhyngweithio gydag eraill o feddwl tebyg.
Mae celfyddyd annibynnol hefyd wedi symud yn ei blaen. Trwy wefannau megis
Bandcamp, Soundcloud, Tumblr, Youtube. ayyb., mae hunan-hyrwyddo eich celfyddyd eich hunain wedi gosod yn nwylo’i chreawdwr, reolaeth lwyr dros y cynnyrch. Bellach, does dim rhaid i artist sy’n ei chael hi’n anodd dibynnu ar ymddiriedaeth cwmni mawr gyda’i agenda personol i gyhoeddi ei waith ei hun. Rydyn ni wedi cael hyd i ddull o gyhoeddi a chylchredeg celfyddyd wych, ffynhonnell newyddion ddibynadwy, cerddoriaeth a rhaglennu fideo annibynnol dda, barn a sylwadau, gwerthiant i gartrefi, gwybodaeth gyffredinol a lledaenu gwybodaeth.
I rai, mae blogio yn wamal, ond i mi, mae blogio’n cynnig cyfle dilys i gynyddu lledaeniad gwybodaeth, syniadau, barn a sylwadau. Yn y bôn does ‘na fawr o agenda, dim ond mynegi barn uniongyrchol, yn aml yn onest ac angerddol. Er y gall y sylwadau yma ymddangos yn foel a heb ddyfnder ac yn gallu tramgwyddo ymwelwyr ar hap â’r wefan, mae’n rhoi sgôp realistig ar sut i fwrw golwg ar wahaniaethau dynol – y syniad yma na all rhywun obeithio newid barn pawb arall dim ond oherwydd ei fod yn wahanol i’ch un chi. Rhaid inni beidio ag ofni gwahaniaeth, yn hytrach ei groesawu,- rhywbeth y bydd cenhedlaeth y rhyngrwyd yn dysgu ei dderbyn. Wedi’n hymrannu trwy bellter, wedi’n cysylltu trwy’r we.
Hefyd, mae blogio’n helpu cyfleu cysyniadau a meddyliau a all ysbrydoli ac annog, pa un ai yn ysgrifenedig, trwy fideo neu ar sain. Mae Vlogio a Podcastio yn ddau gyfrwng ar-lein tra ymledol, yn cyfleu meddyliau, sbarduno trafodaeth, mynegi anecdotau, dyddiaduron personol, arddangos sgits, syniadau bychain, ayyb. Gyda’r rhain, ceir hyd i lwythi o bersonoliaeth a gall unrhyw un ganfod eu cymeriad a chynnig eu rhagoriaethau a’u nodweddion eu hunain. Mae hyn yn creu’r ymdeimlad nad oes raid inni gyflwyno difyrrwch pur er mwyn bod yn unigolion nodedig, ond fe allwn danio syniadau ac annog gwir fyfyrdod mewn eraill; does yr un rhodd yn burach nag ysbrydoliaeth.
Gyda’r chwyldro mewn cyfathrebu, cawn ein hatgoffa o wirionedd, wedi’i gyfleu’n dda gan Stephen Fry: “’Dyn ni’n caru cariad, a bod unrhyw beth arall yn achlysurol, amherthnasol, sinigaidd, ac yn anniddorol i ni yn sylfaenol”

By Eliot Humphreys

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