National Theatre Wales are excited to announce that there is an amazing opportunity coming up soon!The amazing opportunity is a chance for 8 spoken word artists/poets between the ages of 16-25 to take part in Talking Doorsteps. Talking Doorsteps is a project set up by The Roundhouse Theatre, and thanks to both the Roundhouse and NTW TEAM it will be taking place in Cardiff.It’s a 3 day program where 8 lucky people will be given the chance to take part in some workshops with a Roundhouse Poet. These will be used to create and develop a piece of work. Participants will be filmed in a variety of locations around Cardiff performing their pieces, which will be put online by The Roundhouse on their website & YouTube Channel. Two people from this project will then be chosen to represent Wales in ‘Last Word’ Festival. . . All travel and accommodation will be covered for the duration of project.
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8sP52VeANpvaksaarNRzzbQzUa-…This is an amazing opportunity and the additional massive whopper is the Roundhouse poet that will be delivering the workshops is the fantastic POLARBEAR! If you don’t know who he is, check the link.
So the big question, “How do I become one of the lucky 8?” Well NTW TEAM will be holding two Word4Word Nights, one in Wrexham on the 3rd of March and one in Cardiff on the 26th February. These are open mic nights where 10 people get a 5-minute slot to showcase their work and from these, the lucky 8 will be picked by members of NTW TEAM.To apply to perform at this event or for more info email us at team@nationaltheatrewales.org stating whether you would like to perform at the Cardiff or Wrexham event. If you do want to apply make sure you are available for the 24th-26th of April when the project will be taking place.Applications are open to existing TEAM members and new ones, so if you aren’t a member of TEAM yet then all you need to do is join the TEAM group online to become a member http://community.nationaltheatrewales.org/group/ntwteam
If you want to find out any more about NTW TEAM
Or any more about the Roundhouse
Or Word4Word
Details of the upcoming Word4Word nights . . .
Date: 26th February Time: 7:30pm
Venue: The Abacus, Cardiff18-20, St Davids House, Wood Street, Cardiff
Date: 3rd March Time: 7:30pm
Venue: Galeri 3B, Priory St, Wrexham, Clwyd, LL11 1SU