Galeri 3B – Wednesday 23/07/2014 @ 7pm
As part of Oriel Wrecsam’s continuing programme of Off Site projects, you are invited to a dance performance of the Aomori Collaboration with Sioned Huws.
Part of a long term collaboration that links the mountains of Huws’ native Wales with the landscape of Aomori, Japan, this performance brings together a cast of ten dancers, musicians and singers from across the globe alongside local performers for the latest incarnation of the Aomori Project; a celebration of transformational landscapes and architectural spaces.
Sioned Huws is artistic director of Aomori Project, a long term collaboration since its beginning in 2008. Sioned is a Welsh choreographer who started making contemporary dance and performance in New York 1989, whilst studying at the Merce Cunningham Studios. Her work focuses on perception, memory, person and place within choreographic structures; systems patterning small details that allow for the unexpected within a world sensed through an awareness of physical movement.

Part of a long term collaboration that links the mountains of Sioned’s native Wales with the landscape of Aomori Japan, this performance brings together a cast of ten dancers, musicians and singers from across the globe alongside local performers forthe latest incarnation of Aomori Project; a celebration of transformational landscapes and architectural spaces. Featuring Tsugaru teodori dancer Yoshiya Ishikawa, Tsugaru Shamisen- Hasegawa Sangen-kai and minyo singer Kiyoko Goto; the dance, sound and songs of Tsugaru reflect the vigor of human resilience between man and nature.
Aomori is a prefecture of Japan in the region of Tsugaru, at the Northern most tip of Honshu Island, with short summers and long snowy winters, forest of blue, green, mountains of soft linear impressions, seas of a deep navy blue enliven feeling with colour in autums. In winter, the repetitive silent snowfall arrives, a landscape transformed, the heartbeat slows down, the body is overwhelmed by a desire to rest, to lay horizontally in this blanket of white. A desire to be resisted, to move and be moved. The sounds, song and dances of Tsugaru personify these landscapes. A contemporary performances, with a cast of ten performances, dancers live musicians and singer from Japan, Wales, UK and Europe, including guest performances from North Wales.
From vertical to horizontal; the body becomes space and space is transformed into body; in repetition, movement assumes the sensibility of an internal landscape, reflecting the soul of Aomori, the silent repetition of snowfall.